Mike Mullin is primarily known as a young adult fiction writer. His debut novel, Ashfall (2011), is the first of a series dealing with the aftermath of the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano. Mike's latest young adult novel Surface Tension (2018) is a domestic terrorism thriller.
Personal life
Mike holds a black belt in Songahm Taekwondo. He lives in Indiana with his wife, Margaret and their multiple cats.
His debut novel, Ashfall, was named one of the top five young adult novels of 2011 by National Public Radio, a Best Teen Book of 2011 by Kirkus Reviews, and a New Voices selection by the American Booksellers Association.
He is represented by Kate Testerman of KT Literary.
Ashfall series
- Ashfall (2011)
- Ashen Winter (2012)
- Darla's Story (2013)
- Sunrise (2014)
Other novels
- Surface Tension (2018)
- ^ Author's website
- "Author's work inspires survival skills convention with junior high school students". Greenfield Reporter. 8 February 2018. Retrieved 7 May 2018..
- "Staff Pick: The Ashfall Series by Mike Mullin". Publishers Weekly. 12 August 2016. Retrieved 7 May 2018..
- "Mike Mullin". National Public Radio. Retrieved 7 May 2018..
External links
- "Wouldn't You Like to Know . . . Mike Mullin". VOYA. 9 March 2014. Retrieved 7 May 2018.