Financial and economic doctrines
- Bernanke doctrine named after Ben Bernanke
- Friedman doctrine named after Milton Friedman
Legal doctrines
Most legal doctrines are named after the cases. This section only includes doctrines named after the judges who formulated them.
Political and military doctrines
Argentinian doctrines
- Calvo Doctrine named after Carlos Calvo (historian)
- Drago Doctrine named after Luis María Drago
Belgian doctrines
- Harmel Doctrine named after Pierre Harmel
- Maddens Doctrine named after Bart Maddens
Chilean doctrines
- Schneider Doctrine named after René Schneider
Danish doctrines
- Ellemann-Jensen doctrine named after Uffe Ellemann-Jensen
Finnish doctrines
- Paasikivi–Kekkonen Line named after Finland's consecutive presidents Juho Kusti Paasikivi and Urho Kekkonen.
French doctrines
German doctrines
- Hallstein Doctrine also known as Hallstein–Grewe Doctrine, named after Walter Hallstein and Wilhelm Grewe
- Ulbricht Doctrine named after Walter Ulbricht
Indian doctrines
- Gujral Doctrine named after I. K. Gujral
Iranian doctrines
- Favadi Doctrine named after Ali Fadavi
Israeli doctrines
- Begin Doctrine named after Menachem Begin
Japanese doctrines
- Fukuda Doctrine named after Takeo Fukuda
- Taika Reform named after Emperor Kōtoku who took the name "Taika"
- Yoshida Doctrine named after Shigeru Yoshida
Korean doctrines
- MB Doctrine named after Lee Myung-bak
Mexican doctrines
- Castañeda Doctrine named after Jorge G. Castañeda
- Estrada Doctrine named after Genaro Estrada
Russian/Soviet doctrines
- Brezhnev Doctrine named after Leonid Brezhnev
- Sinatra Doctrine named by Gennadi Gerasimov after Frank Sinatra
- Zhdanov Doctrine named after Andrei Zhdanov
UK doctrines
- Wilson Doctrine named after Harold Wilson
US doctrines
- Bush Doctrine named after George W. Bush
- Carter Doctrine
- Clark Memorandum named after J. Reuben Clark
- Clinton Doctrine
- Eisenhower Doctrine
- Hillary Doctrine named after Hillary Clinton
- Johnson Doctrine
- Kennedy Doctrine
- Kirkpatrick Doctrine
- Monroe Doctrine named after James Monroe
- Negroponte doctrine named after John Negroponte
- Nixon Doctrine
- Obama Doctrine named after Barack Obama
- Powell Doctrine named after Colin Powell
- Reagan Doctrine named after Ronald Reagan
- Roosevelt Corollary named after Theodore Roosevelt
- Rumsfeld Doctrine named after Donald Rumsfeld
- Schlesinger Doctrine named after James Schlesinger
- Stimson Doctrine named after Henry L. Stimson
- Truman Doctrine
- Weinberger Doctrine named after Caspar Weinberger
- Wolfowitz Doctrine named after Paul Wolfowitz
Yugoslav doctrines
- Titoism named after Josip Broz Tito
Religious doctrines
- Armstrongism named after Herbert W. Armstrong
- Doctrine of Addai named after Thaddeus of Edessa known as Saint Addai
- Doctrine of Calvin named after John Calvin
- Doctrine of Father Divine
- Doctrines of Meister Eckhart
- Molinism named after Luis de Molina
- Nestorian doctrine named after Nestorius
- Priscillianism named after Priscillian
- Socinianism named after Fausto Sozzini
- Wahhabism named after Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab
Fictional doctrines
- Dulles Doctrine attributed to Allen Dulles