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List of North Korean propaganda slogans

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A propaganda poster near a street in Kaesong

Within North Korea, propaganda slogans are an important aspect of propaganda in North Korea. These are usually written on long red signs in white writing or on large, illustrated posters. Posters depict how citizens are expected to behave, think, and even dress. North Korean propaganda slogans are very similar to propaganda by socialist countries, such as Maoist China, as they emphasise the strength of the military, the creation of a utopian society, and devotion to the state and the Supreme Leader.

Recurring themes

North Korean propaganda mainly portrays capitalist countries such as South Korea, Japan and the United States in a negative light, often depicting them being killed or humiliated by North Korean soldiers. Slogans frequently contain calls to action designed to bolster patriotic feelings or further the country's economy.

Despite hostile relations between South Korea, propaganda posters have been made in support of Korean reunification, especially after the Inter-Korean summits, but in 2024, North Korea formally abandoned efforts to peacefully reunify Korea.

Slogans by topic

Anti-western sentiments

Anti-western sentiments
Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
미국에 죽음을! Death to America! 1950s
미국의 핵전쟁도발책동을 짓부시자! Crush U.S. attempts to provoke a nuclear war! 1997
신념의 강자, 비전향장기수들을 열렬히 환영합니다! A warm welcome to those long held in foreign prisons, resistors who held steadfast to their faith! 1997
지구상에서 미국을 없애버릴것이다! We will blast the U.S. from the face of the earth! 1998
미제침략자들을 영원히 쓸어버리자! Let's wipe out the US imperialist invaders forever! 2000
눈에 흙이 들어가도 잊을수 없다! We never forget until we die! 2000
잊지 말라 승냥이미제를! Never forget the US imperialists, those wolves! 2000
미군의 천인공노할 만행을 만천하에 고발한다! We denounce the violent crimes against South Korean women committed by U.S. soldiers! 2000
미제의 변장술에 속지 말라! Don't be fooled by U.S. deceptions! 2002
침략전쟁을 일으킨다면 미국놈부터 박살낼것이다! When provoking a war of aggression, we will hit back, beginning with the U.S.! 2013
미본토전역이 우리의 사정권안에 있다! The entire United States is within our range! 2017
항일선렬들이 발휘한 자력갱생의 혁명정신을 본받자! Let us model ourselves after the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance demonstrated by our anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners! 2020
미제와 대한민국족속들을 무자비하게 짓뭉개버리자! Let us destroy the US imperialists and the clan of the Republic of Korea without mercy! 2024
무자비한 철추를! Merciless iron weight! 2024

Arts and media

Arts and media
Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
꽃파는 처녀 The Flower Girl, a revolutionary opera 1991
민족과 운명 Nation and Destiny, a feature film 1998
영웅조선의 새로운 체육신화를! Hero Joseon's new sports legend! 2016
대집단체조와 예술공연 《빛나는 조국》 Large group gymnastics and artistic performance "The Glorious Motherland" 2018

Calls to action

See also: Chollima Movement
Calls to action
Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
전후 천리마대고조시기의 그 기세, 그 기백으로 살며 일하자! Live and work in the spirit of the great Chollima movement of the post war period! 1991
금요로동은 충성의 애국로동이다. 모두다 금요로동에로! Working on Friday is patriotic. Let's all work on Fridays! 1998
성폭행이 없는 21세기를! Put an end to sexual violence in the 21st century! 2000
비핵지대를 창설하자! Let's create a nuclear-free zone! 2002
올해 공동사설과업관철에로! Achieving this year's joint editorial task! 2008
동무는 비약의 준마를 탔는가? Comrade, did you ride the horse of leap? 2008
일심단결의 위력을 시위하자! Let's demonstrate the power of single mind unity! 2011
모두다 찬성투표하자! Let's all vote for it! 2011
새해공동사설을 철저히 관철하자! Let's thoroughly follow the New Year's Joint Editorial! 2011
모두다 올해공동사설과업관철에로! Let's all achieve this year's joint editorial task! 2012
자주, 친선, 평화의 노래 힘차게 부르자! Let us sing the song of frequent, goodwill, and peace with strength! 2012
신비로운 속도로 아침과 저녁이 다르고 오늘과 래일이 다르게! Morning and evening are different at a mysterious speed, and today and tomorrow are different! 2016
국가경제발전 5개년전략목표수행에 박차를! Speed up the implementation of the five-year strategic goals for national economic development! 2019
청년들은 정면돌파전의 맨 앞장에서 청춘의 슬기와 용맹을 떨치자! Young people should display their youthful resourcefulness and gallantry in the vanguard of the offensive for a frontal breakthrough! 2020
동무는 오늘 전투계획을 수행하였는가? Have you carried out your today's tasks for the campaign? 2020
우리의 전진을 저애하는 모든 난관을 정면돌파전으로 뚫고나가자! Let us break through head-on all the barriers to our advance! 2020
동무는 비상방역규정을 지키고있는가? Are you adhering to the emergency anti-epidemic regulations? 2022

Agricultural, industrial and economic development

Agricultural, industrial and economic development
Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
청년들이여! 모두다 북부철길건설에서 청년영웅이 되자! Young people! Let's all become young heroes in the northern railway construction! 1985
더 많은 물고기를 인민들에게 More seafood for the people! 1987
더 많은 쌀을 전선에로! Get more rice to the front! 1997
2모작을 적극 받아들여 만풍년을 이룩하자! Let's achieve bigger harvests by double-cropping according to each region's conditions! 1998
더많은 식량을 전선에 보내자! Get more food to the frontlines! 1999
전력생산을 빨리 늘이자! Work to increase energy production as quickly as possible! 1999
나라의 산림을 애호관리하자! Let's protect the forest and help it grow! 1999
토지정리사업에 계속 큰힘을 넣자! Keep working hard to increase land reclamation! 2001
나라의 국력을 백방으로 다지자! Help make the nation more powerful by rapid advances in the economy, science, and technology! 2001
종자혁명을 기본고리로 틀어쥐고 나가자! Continue the progress of the Seed Revolution, the key to agricultural development! 2001
올해를 조국청사에 길이 빛날 전환의 해로! This year will be a year of transition that will brighten the future of the Cho Kuk Government Complex! 2008
경제강국건설을 위한 총공격전을 벌려나가자! Let's launch an all-out offensive to build an economic powerhouse! 2008
새 세기 산업혁명의 기치높이 최첨단돌파전에로! To the state-of-the-art breakthrough, the height of the banner of the industrial revolution of the new century! 2011
함남의 불길따라 대혁신, 대비약의 폭풍을 일으키자! Let's create a storm of great innovation and preparation drugs following the flames of Hamnam! 2011
모두다 가을걷이전투에로! All to the harvest battle! 2011
혁명의 수도 평양시를 세계적인 도시로 훌륭히 꾸리자! Let's make Pyongyang, the capital of revolution, into a world-class city! 2011
다시 한번 모든것을 인민생활향상을 위하여! Once again, everything to improve people's lives! 2011
올해 농업생산에서 대혁신을! Great innovation in agricultural production this year! 2011
《마식령속도》로 온 나라에 대비약, 대혁신의 불바람을 일으키자! Let's spark a great leap forward and great innovation across the country with Masikryeong Speed! 2013
병진로선관철에로! To carry out the Byeongjinro line! 2013
뜻깊은 올해를 알곡증산으로 빛내이자! Let's brighten this meaningful year by increasing grain production! 2013
력사적인 신년사에 제시된 강령적과업을 철저히 관철하자! Let us thoroughly carry out the programmatic tasks presented in the historic New Year's address! 2013
우주를 정복한 그 정신, 그 기백으로 경제강국건설의 전환적국면을 열어나가자! Let us usher in a transformative phase in building an economic powerhouse with the same spirit and spirit that conquered the universe! 2013
세포등판을 대규모축산기지로! Transform the cells into a large-scale livestock farming base! 2013
과학기술의 룡마를 타고 더 높이, 더 빨리 비약하자! Let's leap higher and faster on the dragon horse of science and technology! 2013
보건일군들이여, 인민을 위한 치료예방사업에 힘을 넣자! Health workers, let's focus our efforts on treatment and prevention for the people! 2014
발전하는 시대의 요구에 맞게 교육내용과 방법을 개선하자! Let's improve educational content and methods to meet the needs of the evolving era! 2014
한의 전력, 한g의 석탄, 한방울의 물이라도 극력 아껴쓰자! Let's conserve as much as possible, even if it's just one gram of electricity, one gram of coal, or one drop of water! 2014
질좋은 인민소비품을 더 많이! More quality people's consumer goods! 2014
철도운수, 교통운수문제를 결정적으로 풀자! Let's decisively solve rail transportation and transportation problems! 2014
남새온실을 대대적으로 건설하여 더 많은 남새를 인민들에게! Build vegetable greenhouses on a large scale to provide more vegetables to the people! 2014
세포지구 축산기지건설을 다그쳐 더 많은 고기와 우유를! Speed up the construction of the Sepho area livestock farming base to produce more meat and milk! 2014
농사일을 책임적으로 하여 농업생산에서 결정적전환을! A decisive change in agricultural production by carrying out farming duties responsibly! 2014
금속공업과 화학공업은 경제강국을 떠받드는 쌍기둥! The metal industry and chemical industry are the twin pillars that support an economic powerhouse! 2014
과학적재능과 열정을 총폭발시키자! Let's unleash our scientific talent and passion! 2014
과학자, 기술자들이여 과학기술의 첨단을 돌파하자! Scientists and engineers, let's break through to the cutting edge of science and technology! 2014
군민협동작전의 위력을 떨치자! Let's unleash the power of military-civilian cooperative operations! 2014
승리의 신심드높이 강성국가건설의 모든 전선에서 비약의 불바람을 세차게 일으켜나가자! Let us exalt our confidence in victory and vigorously unleash the wind of leap forward on all fronts of building a strong nation! 2014
애국풀을 대대적으로 심어 풀과 고기를 바꾸자! Let's plant patriotic grass on a large scale to replace meat with grass! 2016
농산, 축산, 수산부문에서 혁신을 일으켜 인민생활개선에서 전환을! Transform the lives of the people by creating innovation in the agriculture, livestock, and fisheries sectors! 2016
전국도처에 건설한 양어장들이 은을 내게 하자! Let's make the fish farms built all over the country pay dividends! 2016
전당, 전군, 전민이 떨쳐나 산림복구전투를 본격적으로 벌리자! Let the entire party, the entire army, and the entire people break out and begin the forest restoration battle in earnest! 2016
자강의 길로 혁명과 건설의 활로를 열어나가자! Let's open the way for revolution and construction along the path of self-development! 2016
전력, 석탄, 금속공업, 철도운수부문이 총진격의 앞장에서 힘차게 내달리자! Let the electric power, coal, metal industry, and railway transportation sectors run vigorously at the forefront of the general advance! 2016
우량품종과 과학농법을 적극 받아들여 알곡생산계획을 반드시 수행하자! Let's actively adopt superior varieties and scientific farming methods and make sure to carry out the grain production plan! 2016
수송조직과 지휘를 개선하여 렬차의 정상운행을 보장하자! Let's improve transportation organisation and command to ensure normal operation of trains! 2016
철도운수부문에서 규률을 강화하여 더 많은 짐을 제때에 실어나르자! Let's strengthen discipline in the railway transportation sector to transport more cargo on time! 2016
단천발전소건설을 비롯하여 발전능력을 새로 더 조성하기 위한 투쟁을 힘있게 벌리자! Let us wage a vigorous struggle to create more power generation capacity, including the construction of the Dancheon Power Plant! 2016
만부하의 동음을 더욱 힘차게 울려 전력생산을 최대한 늘이자! Let's increase power production as much as possible by sounding the full load sound more powerfully! 2016
최첨단의 새로운 경지를 개척하기 위한 연구사업을 심화시켜나가자! Let's deepen our research projects to pioneer new, cutting-edge territory! 2016
서로 돕고 이끄는 집단주의적경쟁열풍속에 더 높이, 더 빨리 비약하자! Let's leap higher and faster in the collectivist competition fever that helps and leads each other! 2016
부강조국건설을 다그쳐나가자! Let us accelerate the construction of a prosperous motherland! 2016
삼지연군꾸리기에 필요한 자재와 설비들을 제때에 생산보장하자! Let's ensure the timely production of the materials and equipment necessary for the Samjiyon Army! 2017
모두다 단천발전소건설에로! All to the construction of the Dancheon Power Plant! 2017
만리마속도로 단천발전소건설을 최단기간에 완공하자! Let's complete the Dancheon power plant construction at Malima Expressway in the shortest time! 2017
인민경제의 철강재수요를 충족시키자! Let's meet the demand for steel products in the national economy! 2018
기계공장들을 현대화하고 세계적수준의 기계제품들을 우리 식으로! Modernise machine factories and produce world-class machine products our way! 2018
우량종자와 다수확농법, 능률적인 농기계들을 대대적으로 받아들이고 농사를 과학기술적으로 짓자! Let's adopt high-quality seeds, high-yield farming methods, and efficient agricultural machinery on a large scale and practice farming scientifically and technologically! 2018
화학공업부문에서 탄소하나화학공업창설을 다그치자! Let's accelerate the creation of Carbon Hana Chemical Industry in the chemical industry! 2018
과학기술을 앞세우고 경제작전과 지휘를 혁신하자! Let's put science and technology first and innovate economic operations and command! 2018
나라의 자립적경제토대가 은을 낼수 있게 석탄생산에서 혁신을! Innovation in coal production so that the country's independent economic foundation can grow! 2018
원산갈마해안관광지구를 최단기간내에 최상의 수준에서 건설하자! Let's build the Wonsan-Kalma Coastal Tourist Zone at the highest level in the shortest possible time! 2018
원산갈마해안관광지구건설을 전당, 전국, 전민이 힘있게 지원하자! Let the whole party, the whole country, and all people strongly support the construction of the Wonsan-Kalma Coastal Tourist Zone! 2018
경공업공장들의 설비와 생산공정을 로력절약형, 전기절약형으로 개조하자! Let's remodel the facilities and production processes of light industrial factories into labor-saving and electricity-saving types! 2018
과학으로 비약하고 교육으로 미래를 담보하자! Let's take a leap forward through science and secure the future through education! 2018
과학기술의 위력으로 경제강국건설의 대통로를 열어나가자! Let us open a grand path to building an economic powerhouse with the power of science and technology! 2018
증산돌격운동에서 최상의 성과 최고의 로력적위훈을! The best results and greatest labor feats in the Jeungsan Assault Movement! 2018
대건설전투에서 위훈의 창조자가 되자! Let's become creators of feats in the Great Construction Battle! 2018
증산돌격운동에 떨쳐나 농업생산목표를 기어이 점령하자! Let us break away from the production increase movement and conquer the agricultural production target! 2018
경제전선전반에서 활성화의 돌파구를 열어제끼자! Let's create a breakthrough in revitalisation across the entire economic front! 2018
모두다 올해 신년사과업관철에로! All of them are going to complete the New Year's apple business this year! 2018
청년들이여 새 기술의 개척자, 새 문화의 창조자, 대비약의 선구자가 되자! Young people, let's be the pioneer of new technology, creator of new culture, pioneer of preparation for medicine! 2019
경공업부문에서는 인민들이 좋아하는 여러가지 소비품들을 생산보장하자! In the light industry sector, let's ensure the production of various consumer items that the people like! 2019
주타격전방인 농업전선에서 증산투쟁을 힘있게 벌리자! Let us conduct a campaign for increased production on the agricultural front, the major point of attack! 2019
자연재해복구전역에서 승전포성을 높이 울리자! Let us achieve victory in the reconstruction sites in the flood-stricken areas! 2020
순천린비료공장건설을 빠른 시일내에 끝내자! Let us complete the construction of Sunchon Phosphatic Fertiliser Factory as quickly as possible! 2020
인민들에게 다양하고 질좋은 소비품을 더 많이! Let us produce a variety of quality consumer goods and supply them in larger quantities to the people! 2020
농업전선은 정면돌파전의 주타격전방! Agricultural front is the major thrust area in the offensive for a frontal breakthrough! 2020
가치있는 과학기술성과들을 더 많이! Let us produce larger numbers of valuable sci-tech findings! 2020
과학기술은 우리가 의거할 무진장한 전략자산! Science and technology are the inexhaustible strategic assets on which we should rely! 2020
교육부문에서 재능있는 인재들을 더 많이 키워내자! Let us produce larger numbers of talented personnel in the education sector! 2020
모두다 가을걷이에로! All Out to Harvesting! 2021
한알의 낟알도 허실하지 말고 제때에 말끔히 거두어들이자! Let Us Harvest Every Crop in Time without Any Loss! 2021
경제건설과 인민생활향상에 필요한 전력을 더 많이 생산하자! Let us generate much more electricity needed for economic construction and improvement of the people's living standards! 2021
전당적, 전국가적인 힘을 총집중하여 올해 알곡생산계획을 무조건 수행하자! Let us carry out the grain production plan for this year without fail by concentrating all efforts of the Party and the state on farming! 2021
한대의 김도 놓치지 말고 제때에 말끔히! Let us weed out every field timely! 2021
모내기를 제철에 질적으로 하여 풍년가을을 안아오자! Let us reap a bumper harvest by transplanting rice seedlings at the right time and in a qualitative way! 2021
보통강강안다락식주택구건설을 당에서 정해준 기간에 당에서 요구하는 수준으로! Let us complete the construction of the residential district of terraced apartment buildings on the bank of the Pothong River by the period set and at the level demanded by the Party! 2021
인민들이 손꼽아 기다리는 행복의 보금자리를 하루빨리 일떠세우자! Let us build as soon as possible the cradle of happiness the people would look forward to! 2021
보통강강안다락식주택구건설에서 핵심건설단위의 전투력과 위력을 남김없이 떨치자! Let us fully demonstrate the fighting efficiency and might of the core construction units in building the residential district of terraced apartment buildings on the bank of the Pothong River! 2021
5만세대 살림집건설에 필요한 자재와 설비들을 최우선적으로 생산보장하자! Let us produce and supply on a top priority basis the materials and equipment needed for the construction of 50,000 flats! 2021
5만세대 살림집건설로 우리 수도를 다시한번 웅장하게 변모시키자! Let us make our capital city even more splendid by building 50,000 flats! 2021
5개년계획수행의 첫해 실제적인 변화, 실질적인 전진을 가져오자! Let us bring about substantial changes and advance in the first year of carrying out the five-year plan! 2021
소극성과 보신주의를 불사르고 5개년계획수행에서 일대 혁신을! Let us do away with passivism and self-protectionism and make great innovations in implementing the five-year plan! 2021
올해 인민경제계획을 무조건 수행하자! Let us carry out the national economic plan for this year without fail! 2021
당 제8차대회가 제시한 5개년계획의 첫해 과업을 철저히 관철하자! Let us carry out the first year's tasks under the five-year plan advanced at the Eighth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea! 2021
모두다 조선로동당 중앙위원회 제8기 제2차전원회의 결정관철에로! All out for the implementation of the decisions made at the Second Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea! 2021
인민들에게 더 좋은 의료상혜택을 안겨주자! Let us provide people with better medical benefits! 2021
군민대단결의 위력으로 새로운 평양속도, 건설신화를 창조하자! Let us create a new Pyongyang speed and construction miracle by dint of the great army-people unity! 2021
우리의 미래를 마음놓고 맡길수 있는 교육으로! Let us make education the one which can be fully entrusted with our future! 2021
핵심적이며 선진적인 첨단기술개발을 촉진하자! Let us promote the development of core and advanced cutting-edge technologies! 2021
선질후량의 원칙에서 제품의 질을 높이자! Let us improve the quality of products on the principle of giving priority to quality over quantity! 2021
당이 제시한 알곡고지를 무조건 점령하자! Let us unfailingly attain the goal of grain production set by the Party! 2021
치산치수사업을 힘있게 벌려 국토의 면모를 일신시키자! Let us transform the appearance of the country's land through an intensified campaign for afforestation and water conservation! 2021
인민을 위한 창조물을 더 많이 일떠세우자! Let us build more structures for the good of people! 2021
철도수송수요를 원만히 보장하자! Let us fully meet the need for rail transport! 2021
광물증산으로 인민경제적수요를 충족시키자! Let us meet the needs of the national economy for minerals with increased production! 2021
현대적이며 능률적인 기계제품들을 적극적으로 개발생산하자! Let us positively develop and manufacture modern and high-performance machine products! 2021
모든 힘을 집중하여 더 많은 석탄을 생산하자! Let us concentrate all efforts on producing much more coal! 2021
국가경제발전 5개년계획수행에 총력을 집중하자! Let us focus all-out effort on carrying out the five-year plan for the national economic development! 2021
모두다 당 제8차대회 결정관철에로! Let us turn out in the drive to implement the decision of the Eighth Party Congress! 2021
올해 건설전투에서 새로운 기적과 위훈을! Let us bring about fresh miracles and feats in this year's construction campaign! 2022
올해 알곡생산목표를 무조건 점령하자! Let us hit the grain production target for this year without fail! 2022
건설혁명을 일으켜 우리 인민들에게 더 좋고 훌륭한 생활조건을 마련해주자! Let us provide our people with better and more excellent living conditions by bringing about a revolution in construction! 2022
금속, 화학공업을 비롯한 기간공업부문에서 생산계획을 드팀없이 수행해나가자! Let us carry out production plans without delay in the metal, chemical and other key industrial sectors! 2022
소비품의 질제고를 경공업혁명의 종자, 기본방향으로! Let us take the quality improvement of consumer goods as the seed and basic orientation of the revolution in light industry! 2022
인민들에게 더 많은 물고기가 차례지게 하자! Let us supply the people with more fish! 2022
새시대 농촌혁명강령을 철저히 관철하자! Let us thoroughly implement the rural revolution program in the new era! 2022
국토환경보호와 관리사업을 더욱 힘있게 다그치자! Let us push ahead more powerfully with the protection and management of land and environment! 2022
전인민적인 방역의식과 각성을 견지하자! Let us maintain the all-people anti-epidemic awareness and vigilance! 2022
방역대전에서의 위대한 승리! The great victory won in the anti-epidemic war! 2022
국가방역능력건설을 힘있게 다그치자! Let us vigorously accelerate the building of the state anti-epidemic capability! 2022
질좋은 인민소비품을 더 많이 생산보장하자! Let us mass-produce high-quality mass consumer goods! 2022
모든 농장원들은 쌀로써 조국을 받드는 실농군이 되자! Let all agricultural workers become real farmers who support the country with rice! 2022
철도의 물질기술적토대를 강화하여 인민경제의 수송수요를 원만히 보장하자! Let us strengthen the material and technical foundation of railway so as to fully meet the transport needs of the national economy! 2022
발전능력을 최대한으로 높여 전력생산을 늘여나가자! Let us maximise power generation capacity so as to increase power production! 2022
모든 예비와 잠재력을 총동원하여 올해 석탄생산계획을 무조건 수행하자! Let us mobilise all reserves and potentialities to implement this year's coal production plan without fail! 2022
화학제품생산을 계획대로 추진하며 농촌에 더 많은 비료를 보내주자! Let us propel the production of chemical goods as planned and supply more fertiliser to the farms! 2022
더 많은 철강재를 생산보장하자! Let us produce and supply more iron and steel! 2022
전체 인민이 일치단결하여 경제건설과 방역대전에서 승리를 이룩하자! Let the entire people unite single-mindedly and achieve victory in the economic construction and the anti-epidemic war! 2022
승리의 신심과 굳센 의지를 간직하고 올해의 투쟁목표를 향하여 힘차게 앞으로! Let us march forward vigorously to attain this year's fighting goals while keeping confidence in victory and firm will! 2022
석탄생산을 결정적으로 늘이자! Let us increase coal production decisively! 2023
모두다 국가경제발전 5개년계획완수에로! Let us turn out in the drive to implement the five-year plan for national economic development! 2023
전력생산을 경제발전에 확고히 앞세우자! Let us give priority to power production in economic development! 2023
인민경제의 수송수요를 원만히 보장하자! Let us fully meet the needs of the national economy for transport! 2023
올곡식을 제때에 말끔히 거두어들이자! Let us gather early-crops in time and without any loss! 2023
재해성이상기후에 의한 피해를 철저히 막자! Let us prevent the damage from disastrous abnormal weather! 2023
평양시 새 거리건설에서 영웅청년의 불굴의 기상을 남김없이 떨치자! Let us give fullest play to the indomitable spirit of the heroic youth in building a new street in the capital city of Pyongyang! 2023
평양시 새 거리건설에서 백두산영웅청년정신을 다시한번 힘있게 과시하자! Let us fully display once again the spirit of Paektusan hero youth in building a new street in the capital city of Pyongyang! 2023
평양시 새 거리건설을 제기일에 최상의 수준으로 완공하자! Let us complete the building of a new street in the capital city of Pyongyang at the highest level within the fixed date! 2023
올해 인민경제계획을 무조건 완수하자! Let us carry out this year's national economic plan without fail! 2023
온 나라가 떨쳐나 농업생산에서 근본적변혁을 일으키자! Let the whole country turn out to bring about a radical turn in agricultural production! 2023
농촌진흥의 새 력사를 열어나가자! Let us open a new history of rural development! 2023
뜻깊은 올해에 기어이 만풍년을 안아오자! Let us reap a bumper crop this year at any cost! 2023
전반적관개체계를 완비하며 농업부문의 물질기술적토대를 더욱 강화하자! Let us perfect the overall irrigation system and strengthen the material and technical foundations of the agricultural sector! 2023
올해 인민경제발전 12개 고지점령에로! Let us turn out in the drive to attain 12 goals for development of the national economy this year! 2023
수도건설의 전성기를 계속 이어나가자! Let us continue to usher in the heyday of capital city construction! 2023
통나무생산에서 혁신을 일으키자! Let us bring about innovations in timber production! 2023
다양하고 질좋은 소비품들을 더 많이! Let us produce various kinds of quality consumer goods in larger quantities! 2023
우리 공화국에 도래한 우주강국의 새시대! The new era of a space power begins in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea! 2023
천리마를 타고 우주에로 날아오르는 우리의 만리경! Our "Malligyong-1" flies into space riding the Chollima! 2023
국토의 면모를 일신시키기 위한 사업을 전망성있게! Let us promote the work of transforming the appearance of the country in a far-sighted way! 2024
새시대 천리마정신이 대중적위훈의 불길로 세차게 타번지게 하자! Let the Chollima spirit of the new era flare up as the flames of mass exploits! 2024
품질감독사업을 강화하자! Let us strengthen quality inspection! 2024
올해를 자랑찬 변혁적성과로 빛나게 결속하자! Let us conclude this year brilliantly with proud innovative successes! 2024
렬차운행의 안정성을 높여 수송수요를 원만히 보장하자! Let us fully satisfy the demand for transport by raising the stability of train service! 2024
인민생활의 안정향상에 이바지하는 실용적인 문제들을 적극 풀어나가자! Let us solve practical issues conducive to stabilising and improving the people's living! 2024
과학기술력의 발동과 제고는 12개 중요고지점령의 실천적담보! To stimulate and upgrade science and technology is a practical guarantee for attaining 12 major goals! 2024
올해 알곡생산계획을 빛나게 완수하자! Let us successfully carry out the grain production plan for this year! 2024
새 발전소건설을 다그치고 전력생산과 공급을 효률적으로! Let us hasten the construction of new power stations and produce and supply electric power in a rational way! 2024
기계공업의 현대화를 강하게 추진하자! Let us strongly propel the modernisation of machine-building industry! 2024
인민의 복리증진을 위한 《지방발전 20×10 정책》! "Regional development 20×10 policy" for promoting the people's wellbeing! 2024
모두다 떨쳐나 지방이 변하는 새시대를 안아오자! Let us turn out to usher in a new era in which the regional areas change! 2024
현대화된 지방공업공장운영을 위한 기술자, 기능공양성사업을 책임적으로! Let us train technicians and skilled workers for the operation of modern local factories in a responsible way! 2024
시, 군의 경제적자원과 원료원천을 최대한 효과적으로 조성하고 리용하자! Let us create most effectively and use the economic resources and sources of raw materials in cities and counties! 2024
지방공업발전을 위한 투쟁에서 인민군대가 기수, 주인공이 되자! Let the People's Army be standard-bearers and masters in the struggle for developing regional industry! 2024
《지방발전 20×10 정책》을 강력하게 추진하자! Let us strongly promote the 'regional development 20×10 policy'! 2024
국가경제의 상승추이를 계속 고조시키자! Let us continue to increase the trend of upturn in the national economy! 2024
농촌진흥을 가속화하기 위한 투쟁에 박차를 가하자! Let us put spurs to the struggle for stepping up the rural development! 2024
관개시설건설과 환원복구를 다그쳐 관개체계를 완성하자! Let us accelerate the construction and restoration of irrigation facilities to complete the irrigation system! 2024
발전능력조성과 전력시설정비보강사업을 적극 내밀어 더 많은 전력을! Let us positively promote the work to increase the electricity-generating capacity and readjust and reinforce the electric power facilities so as to produce more electric power! 2024
화학공업기지창설을 추진하며 화학제품의 가지수를 늘이자! Let us accelerate the establishment of chemical industry base and increase the variety of chemical products! 2024
인민경제 여러 부문에서 요구하는 기계설비들을 원만히 생산보장하자! Let us fully produce and supply the machinery needed in different fields of the national economy! 2024
인민들이 선호하는 경공업제품을 더 많이! Let us produce larger quantities of light industry goods favoured by the people! 2024
수도의 생활용수문제를 완전히 해결하자! Let us completely solve the problem of water for everyday life and drinking in the capital city of Pyongyang! 2024
현대적인 지방공업공장을 일떠세워 인민들이 좋아하는 질좋은 제품들을 더 많이! Let us produce quality goods favoured by the people in larger quantities by building modern regional industrial factories! 2024
산림복구를 전당적, 전국가적인 사업으로 힘있게 내밀자! Let us push ahead with reforestation as an all-Party and nationwide undertaking! 2025
인민경제발전에서 의의있는 과학기술성과들을 이룩하자! Let us make sci-tech achievements of significance in the development of the national economy! 2025
인민들이 실지 덕을 보게 하자! Let us make the people get real benefit! 2025
지방공업공장들에서 생산을 정상화하자! Let us put the production on a normal basis at regional-industry factories! 2025
올해 알곡고지를 무조건 점령하자! Let us achieve the goal of grain production without fail this year! 2025
건설물의 질을 결정적으로 높이자! Let us considerably enhance the quality of structures! 2025
온 나라에 증산투쟁, 절약운동의 불길이 세차게 타번지게 하자! Let us make the flames of the drive for increased production and the campaign for economisation spread across the country! 2025

Juche / self-reliance

Further information: Juche
Juche / self-reliance
Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지 따라 주체혁명위업을 끝까지 완성하자! Let us accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche under Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un! Un­known
자력갱생 [ko] Self-reliance 1950s
우리사상 제일주의를 높이 들고 나가자! Hold fast to the Juche idea! 1991
주체조선의 슬기와 용맹을 떨치자! Demonstrate the wisdom and courage of Juche-influenced Korea by mastering techniques to control thought, effort, speed, and technology! 2000
주체사상세계대회 World Congress of Juche Ideas 2012
주체의 사회주의위업은 필승불패이며 우리의 앞길에는 승리와 영광만이 있을것이다! The socialist cause of Juche is invincible, and only victory and glory lie ahead of us! 2016
일심단결은 주체혁명의 천하지대본, 필승의 무기! Single-hearted unity is the great foundation and ever-victorious weapon for the Juche revolution! 2016
위대한 령도자 김정일동지의 사상과 업적을 만년초석으로 하여 주체의 사회주의위업을 끝까지 완성하자 Let us complete the cause of Juche socialism to the end, using the ideas and achievements of the great leader Comrade Kim Jong-il as the foundation for the rest of our lives. 2017
주체의 핵보검을 억세게 틀어쥐고 사회주의강국건설에서 대비약을! Hold on to Juche's nuclear sword and make a preparation for building a socialist power! 2017
자력자강의 위대한 동력으로 사회주의의 승리적전진을 다그치자! Let's accelerate the triumphant advance of socialism with the great power of self-reliance! 2017
위대한 령도자 김정일동지를 주체의 영원한 태양으로 높이 받들어모시자! Let's hold the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong-il high as the eternal sun of Juche! 2017
경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지의 령도따라 주체혁명위업을 끝까지 완성하자! Let's complete the Juche revolutionary cause to the end, following the leadership of Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong-un! 2017
주체의 핵강국, 세계적인 군사대국의 자주적존엄과 위용을 만방에 떨치자! Let's exert the independence and dignity of Juche's nuclear power and world-class military power to all nations! 2017
자력갱생은 조선의 창조본때! Self-reliance is the creation of Korea! 2017
금속공업과 화학공업의 주체화실현에서 더 큰 발전을! Let us achieve a greater development in establishing the Juche orientation in the metallurgical and chemical industries! 2019
자력부강, 자력번영 Self-reliant wealth and power, Self-reliant prosperity 2020
우리의 원료에 의거하는 주체적인 화학공업으로! Let us build up chemical industry as a Juche-based one relying on locally-available raw materials! 2021
우주만리에 뻗친 주체조선의 국력! The great national power of Juche Korea soaring into the outer space! 2023
주체철생산토대를 더욱 튼튼히 하고 생산정상화에 박차를 가하자! Let us further cement the Juche-based iron-making foundation and put spurs to normalising its production! 2024

Korean reunification

Korean reunification
Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
북과 남의 애국력량이 힘을 합쳐 안팎의 분렬주의자들의 《두개조선》조작책동을 짓부시고 조국을 통일하자! Let the patriotic forces of the North and the South join forces to crush the "two Joseon" maneuvers of the separatists at home and abroad and unify the country! 1991
통일의 꽃 김정일화 만발하여라! Kimjongilia, the flower of reunification, flourishes! 2001
우리의 힘으로 통일의 대문을 열자! Let's open the gate of reunification ourselves! 2001
통일성업에 떨쳐나서라! Stand up in support of the sacred cause, national reunification! 2002
우리 민족끼리 자주통일과 평화번영의 새 국면을 열어나가자! Let us open a new phase of independent unification and peace and prosperity among our people! 2014
자주통일과 평화번영의 새 국면을 열어나가자! Let us open a new phase of independent unification, peace and prosperity! 2014
위대한 수령님과 장군님의 유훈을 받들어 올해에 조국통일운동에서 새로운 전진을 이룩하자! Let us make new progress in the national reunification movement this year by following the instructions of the great leader and general! 2014
자주, 평화, 친선의 노래 힘차게 부르자! Let us loudly sing the song of independence, peace and friendship! 2024


Further information: Songun
Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
장군님의 전사들은 언제나 준비되여 있습니다! The General's soldiers stand always at the ready! 1997
펄펄 나는 일당백의 싸움군으로 준비하자! Train harder, so each of us will equal one hundred of our enemies! 1997
당과 수령, 사회주의조국을 목숨으로 사수하자! Let's defend the party, its leader, and the socialist fatherland by arming all citisens! 1998
우리는 빈말을 하지 않는다! We do not like empty talk! 1998
위대한 수령님과 영광스러운 당중앙을 목숨으로 사수하자! Protect the Great Leader and the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea! 1999
총대는 승리, 전진 앞으로! Guns mean victory, advance onward! 2000
순결한 량심과 의리로 살며 투쟁하자! Let us live and fight with pure conscience and loyalty! 2000
위대한 선군정치는 참다운 애국 애족 애민의 정치! Military First policy is the right way to show love of the land, the nation, and the people! 2000
육탄, 총폭탄! A human bomb, with gun and grenades! 2000
일당백구호를 높이 들고 내나라, 내조국, 내고향을 목숨바쳐 지키자! Soldiers of the Korean People's Army! Fight for our country, our fatherland and to defend our native village! 2000
장군님을 위하여 승리 앞으로! Forward to victory for the General! 2000
위대한 장군님의 선군사상으로 사회주의위업을 끝까지 완성하자! Achieve the socialist cause with General Songun's "Military First" policy! 2002
경애하는 최고사령관동지를 총대로 결사옹위하자! Let's defend our respected Supreme Commander by force of arms! 2002
선군조선의 자랑 군민단결 The pride of Songun Joseon, military and civilian unity 2008
우리 공화국의 군사적위력을 끊임없이 강화하자! Let us constantly strengthen the military power of our republic! 2008
정치사상적위력은 선군조선의 제일국력! The political and ideological power of Songun Joseon is the greatest national power! 2008
전군을 수령결사옹위의 총폭탄 대오로! Let the entire army become an all-out bombing force that defends its leader to the death! 2008
선군정치의 위대한 승리 만세! Long alive the great victory of Songun! 2011
황해남도물길을 선군시대 기념비적창조물로 건설하자! Let's build South Hwanghae Province's waterway as a monumental creation of the Songun era! 2012
선군정치의 위대한 승리 7. 27경축 Celebrating the great victory of Songun politics on July 27th 2013
로농적위군은 언제나 만단의 전투동원태세를! The Worker-Peasant Red Guard is always ready for combat mobilisation! 2014
전투훈련을 강화하고 명사수, 명포수운동을 힘있게 벌리자! Let's strengthen combat training and vigorously promote sharpshooter and gunnery movements! 2014
천만군민의 정신력을 총폭발시키자! Let's unleash the mental power of ten million people! 2014
훈련에서 더 많은 땀을 흘려 세계적인 패권을 쥐자! Let's sweat more in training and achieve global supremacy! 2014
내외호전세력들의 대결과 전쟁책동을 단호히 저지파탄시키자! Let us resolutely block and destroy the confrontation and war maneuvers of domestic and foreign belligerents! 2014
충정의 200일전투에서 영예로운 승리자가 되자! Let's become an honourable winner in the 200-day battle of loyalty! 2016
모두다 충정의 200일전투에로! Everyone, let's go to the 200-day battle of loyalty! 2016
모두다 만리마속도창조운동에로! Everyone, join the Mallima Speed Creation Movement! 2016
로농적위군과 붉은청년근위대 대원들은 향토방위를 위한 만단의 전투동원준비를! The Workers and Peasants Red Guards and Red Youth Guards prepare for full-scale combat mobilisation for homeland defence! 2016
동무는 만리마를 탔는가? 자강력제일주의를 높이 발휘하라! Did your comrade ride the Mallima? Demonstrate self-reliance first! 2016
모두다 충정의 《70일전투》에서 영예로운 승리자가 되자! Let's all become glorious winners in the "70 Day Battle" of loyalty! 2016
결사옹위 Defend with one's life 2017
우리의 앞길은 막지 못한다! Our road ahead cannot be blocked! 2017
조국과 인민을 위하여 복무함! Serve for your country and people! 2017
영웅적조선인민군 만세! Long live the heroic Korean Peoples' Army! 2017
만리마속도창조에서 앞장선 전형단위들의 모범을 따라배우자! Let's learn by following the example of the typical units that took the lead in creating the speed of Malima! 2017
만리를 굽어보는 《눈》과 만리를 때리는 강력한 《주먹》! An "Eye" than can overlook a very long distance and a strong "Fist" that can reach a very long distance! 2023
군민대단결의 위력으로! By dint of strength of the great army-people unity! 2024
전민항전준비에 최대의 박차를! Greatest spurs to making full preparations for all-people resistance! 2024
조국보위는 최대의 애국! National defence is the greatest patriotism! 2024
만단의 전투동원준비를! Let us maintain full preparedness for combat! 2025


Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
이민위천 The People are God Un­known
조선을 위하여 배우자! Let's study for Korea! 1953
우리 식대로 살아나가자! Let's live our way! 1978
공화국의 존엄과 자주권을 튼튼히 수호하자! Let's provide a strong line of defence for the Republic's honour and sovereignty! 1991
강성대국 Strong and Prosperous Nation 1998
조선옷차림을 생활화합시다! Wear traditional Korean clothing, beautiful and gracious! 1998
영광스러운 우리 조국 조선민주주의인민공화국 만세! Long live our glorious homeland, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea! 2008
조국번영의 길에 뚜렷한 자욱을 남기자! Let us leave a clear mark on the path to our country's prosperity! 2008
공화국창건 60돐을 맞는 올해를 조국청사에 아로새겨질 력사적전환의 해로 빛내이자! Let us shine this year, which marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, as a year of historic change that will be engraved in the history of our country! 2008
공화국창건 65돐, 전승 60돐을 승리자의 대축전으로! Celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Republic and the 60th anniversary of the victory with a grand celebration for the victors! 2013
위대한 년대에 경의를 드린다 Salute to the great years 2013
위대한조국해방전쟁승리 60돐경축 Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War 2013
외세를 배격하고 우리 민족끼리의 립장을 확고히 견지하자! Let us reject foreign powers and firmly maintain our stand among our own people! 2014
모두다 우리 혁명주권을 반석같이 다지자! Let us all strengthen our revolutionary sovereignty like a rock! 2014
민족의 안전과 평화를 수호하자! Let's protect the safety and peace of our people! 2014
우리 민족끼리의 립장에 확고히 서서 공동선언들을 존중하고 성실히 리행하자! Let us stand firm in our national stand, respect the joint declarations, and faithfully implement them! 2014
위대한 인민을 위하여! For the great people! 2016
최상의 문명을 최고의 수준에서! The best civilisation at the highest level! 2016
일심단결 Single-hearted Unity 2017
조선민주주의인민공화국창건 70돐 만세! Long live the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea! 2018
일심단결의 위력을 힘있게 과시하자! Let us demonstrate the might of single-hearted unity! 2020
위대한 우리 국가의 무궁한 번영을 위하여! For the eternal prosperity of our great state! 2022
우리 국가특유의 정치사상적위력을 더 높이 떨치자! Let us give fullest play to the politico-ideological might unique to our state! 2022
애국으로 단결하지! Let us unite with a sense of patriotism! 2024
이땅 어디서나 인민의 행복한 웃음소리가 울려퍼지게 하자! Let us make all parts of the country resound with the merry laughter of the people! 2024
공화국의 부흥발전과 인민들의 복리증진을 위하여! For the prosperity and development of the Republic and the promotion of the people's wellbeing! 2024
금메달로 조국의 영예를 떨치자! Let us bring honour to our motherland by winning gold medals! 2025


Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
사회주의는 필승불패이다! Socialism is invincible! 1998
우리식 사회주의 Our style of socialism. Socialism our way! 1998
후대들은 잊지 않을것이다! Che Guevara, international freedom fighter, will be remembered forever! 2000
사회주의기치를 끝까지 고수하자! Let's hold forever high the banner of socialism, which our revolutionary forebears defended with their blood! 2000
고산과수농장을 《철령아래 사과바다》가 펼쳐진 사회주의선경으로! Gosan Orchard Farm becomes a socialist fairyland where the "Apple Sea under Cheolryeong [ru]" unfolds! 2013
사회주의경제건설에 총력을 집중하여 우리 혁명의 전진을 더욱 가속화하자! Let us further accelerate the advance of our revolution by focusing all our efforts on socialist economic construction! 2018
혁명적인 총공세로 사회주의강국건설의 모든 전선에서 새로운 승리를 쟁취하자! Let us achieve new victories on all fronts of building a powerful socialist country through a revolutionary general offensive! 2018
사회주의경제건설에 총력을! Put all your efforts into socialist economic construction! 2018
우리 나라 사회주의제도를 더욱 빛내이자! Let's brighten up our country's socialist system! 2019
일심단결의 위력으로 우리 식 사회주의를 더욱 빛내이자! Let us further glorify socialism of our style on the strength of single-minded unity! 2019
자력갱생의 기치높이 사회주의건설의 새로운 진격로를 열어나가자! Let's open a new path for socialist construction, raising the banner of self-reliance! 2019
경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지 따라 이 땅우에 사회주의강국을 일떠세우자! Let us build a powerful socialist nation on this land under Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un! 2020
우리 나라 사회주의보건제도의 우월성을 남김없이 발양시키자! Let us give full play to the advantages of our country's socialist healthcare system! 2020
자력갱생의 기치높이 사회주의건설의 새로운 진격로를 열어나가자! Let us open a new road of advance for socialist construction under the uplifted banner of self-reliance! 2020
사회주의건설의 모든 전선에서 새로운 승리를! Let us bring about a fresh victory on all fronts of socialist construction! 2021
사회주의건설의 전면적발전을 위한 튼튼한 토대를! Let us lay solid foundations for the overall development of socialist construction! 2022
방역대전에서 승리한 기세로 사회주의건설의 모든 분야에서 더 큰 성과를! Let us achieve greater successes in all sectors of socialist construction in the same mettle as was displayed in winning victory in the anti-epidemic war! 2022
올해 계획한 중요대상건설과제들을 무조건 완수하여 우리식 사회주의의 본때를 과시하자! Let us demonstrate the mettle of socialism of our style by implementing without fail the targets of major construction projects planned this year! 2022
사회주의농촌건설의 새로운 승리를 향하여! Towards a new victory of socialist rural construction! 2022
우리의 제일가는 공산주의적미덕과 미풍으로! With our advantageous communist virtues and traits! 2022
인민대중중심의 우리 나라 사회주의제도 만세! Long live the people-centred socialist system of our country! 2023
모든 농촌마을들을 사회주의리상촌으로 전변시키자! Let us turn all rural villages of the country into ideal socialist villages! 2023
시, 군들을 사회주의강국의 전략적거점으로 만들자! Let us turn all cities and counties into strategic bases of the socialist power! 2023

Worker's Party of Korea

Further information: Worker's Party of Korea
Worker's Party of Korea
Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
우리 당의 충직한 청년전위가 되자! Join the young vanguard, pledge faith to the Party! 1999
슬픔을 힘과 용기로 바꾸어 위대한 우리 당을 충성으로 받들리! Turn sorrow into strength and courage to support our great party with loyalty! 2011
조선로동당대표자회를 높은 정치적열의와 빛나는 로력적성과로! The Korean Workers' Party Representatives' Conference with high political enthusiasm and brilliant labor aptitude! 2012
어머니 우리 당에 최대의 영광을! Mother, the greatest glory to our party! 2012
그 어떤 역풍이 분대도 강철로 우리 당을 받들리! No matter the adverse winds, this squad will support our party with steel! 2013
우리의 당중앙을 목숨으로 사수하자! Let us defend our party center with our lives! 2013
위대한 당의 령도따라 건설에서 대번영기를 열어나가자! Let us usher in a period of great prosperity in construction under the leadership of the great Party! 2014
당이 제시한 알곡고지를 기어이 점령하자! Let us occupy the grain highlands proposed by the party! 2014
영웅적인 김일성-김정일로동계급은 당의 사상과 위업을 맨 앞장에서 받들자! Let the heroic Kim Il-sung-Kim Jong-il working class take the lead in supporting the party's ideology and achievements! 2016
모두다 당 제7차대회 결정관철에로! Everyone, let's implement the decision of the 7th Party Congress! 2016
당은 부른다 모두다 70일전투에로! The party is calling everyone to the 70-day battle! 2016
조선로동당 제7차대회가 열리는 올해에 강성국가건설의 최전성기를 열어나가자! This year, when the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea is held, let us usher in the golden age of building a strong nation! 2016
조선로동당제7차대회경축 Celebrating the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea 2016
일군들은 인민을 위하여 멸사복무하자! Let the workers serve selflessly for the people! 2016
당중앙을 목숨으로 사수하자! Let us defend the party center with our lives! 2017
백전백승의 불패의 당  만세! Long live the invincible Party! 2017
백전백승의 불패의 당 조선로동당 만세! Long live the Workers' Party of Korea, the undefeated party that has won every battle! 2017
당중앙위원회 4월전원회의 결정을 철저히 관철하자! Let us thoroughly implement the decisions of the April plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee! 2018
국가경제발전 5개년전략목표수행으로 당을 옹위하자! Let's defend the party by carrying out the five-year strategic goals for national economic development! 2018
전력증산으로 당을 받들자! Let us support the Party with increased production of electrical power! 2020
우리 당의 영광스러운 혁명전통으로 튼튼히 무장하자! Let us firmly arm ourselves with the glorious revolutionary traditions of our Party! 2020
모두다 당중앙위원회 제7기 제5차전원회의 결정관철에로! All towards achieving the decisions of the 5th Plenary Meeting of the 7th Party Central Committee! 2020
80일전투의 불길드높이 당 제8차대회를 향하여 힘차게 나아가자! Let us advance vigorously towards the Eighth Party Congress by making the flames of the 80-day campaign flare up! 2020
당은 부른다 모두다 80일전투에로! The Party calls on us to turn out in the 80-day campaign! 2020
당이 결심하면 우리는 한다! We do whatever the Party decides! 2020
조선로동당 제8차대회를 높은 정치적열의와 빛나는 로력적성과로 맞이하자! Let us greet the Eighth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea with high political enthusiasm and proud labour feats! 2020
당 제8차대회를 향하여! Toward the Eighth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea! 2020
위대한 우리 당에 최대의 영광을! The Highest Glory to Our Great Party! 2020
조선로동당창건 75돐 경축 Celebration of the 75th founding anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea 2020
강철로 당을 받들자! Let us support the Party with increased steel production! 2021
위대한 당의 령도따라 우리 국가제일주의시대를 빛내여나가자! Let us glorify our state-first era under the leadership of the great Party! 2021
모두다 당중앙위원회 제8기 제3차전원회의 결정관철에로! Let us turn out in the drive to implement the decisions of the Third Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea! 2021
모두다 당중앙위원회 제8기 제5차전원회의 결정관철에로! Let us all turn out to the implementation of the Fifth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee! 2022
방역대전에서 당중앙 별동대의 위용을! Let us demonstrate the dignity of the detached force of the Party Central Committee in the anti-epidemic campaign! 2022
모두다 당중앙위원회 제8기 제4차전원회의 결정관철에로! Let us turn out in the drive to implement the decisions of the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea! 2022
당중앙위원회 제8기 제6차전원회의 결정을 철저히 관철하자! Let us thoroughly implement the decisions of the 6th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Party Central Committee! 2023
모두다 당중앙위원회 제8기 제7차전원회의 결정관철에로! All out for the implementation of the decisions of the Seventh Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee! 2023
청년들이여, 당중앙의 크나큰 믿음에 충성으로 보답하자! Let young people live up to the great trust shown by the Party Central Committee with loyalty! 2023
당중앙위원회 제8기 제8차전원회의 결정을 철저히 관철하자! Let us implement to the letter the decisions of the Eighth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee! 2023
모두다 당중앙위원회 제8기 제10차전원회의 결정관철에로! All out for the implementation of the decisions made at the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea! 2024
우리 당의 숙원, 거창한 혁명! Our Party's long-cherished desire, gigantic revolution! 2024
당중앙위원회 제8기 제9차전원회의 결정을 철저히 관철하자! Let us thoroughly implement the decisions of the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea! 2024
당의 웅대한 건설구상을 실현하자! Let us realise the grand construction plan of the Party! 2024
당 제9차대회를 승리자들의 대회, 영광의 대회로 맞이하자! Let us greet the Ninth Congress of the Party as a conference of victors, an event of glory! 2025
당창건 80돐을 높은 정치적열의와 빛나는 로력적성과로 맞이하자! Let us greet the 80th anniversary of the Party founding with high political enthusiasm and brilliant labour successes! 2025
당 제8차대회가 제시한 5개년계획의 올해 과업을 철저히 관철하자! Let us thoroughly implement the tasks for this year of the five-year plan set forth at the Eighth Party Congress! 2025
모두다 당중앙위원회 제8기 제11차전원회의 결정관철에로! All out for the implementation of the decisions made by the Eleventh Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee! 2025

The Supreme Leaders

See also: Juche § Kimilsungism–Kimjongilism
The Supreme Leaders
Chosŏn'gŭl English Year of creation Refs.
위대한 김일성민족 김정일조선의 존엄과 영예를 온세상에 빛내이자! Let us enrich the dignity and glory of Great Kim Il Sung's nation and Kim Jong Il's Korea to the entire world! Un­known
김정일애국주의를 구현하여 부강조국건설을 다그치자! Let us step up the building of a prosperous country by applying Kim Jong Il's patriotism! Un­known
무궁토록 번영할 김정은강성조선의 래일을 앞당기자! Let us bring forward a tomorrow where Kim Jong Un's strong Korea prospers forever! Un­known
경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지를 결사옹위하는 총폭탄이 되자! Let us become human bombs to devotedly defend Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un! Un­known
위대한 김정은시대를 빛내이는 위훈의 창조자가 되자! Let us become the creators of achievements that glorify the great era of Kim Jong Un! Un­known
무장으로 받들자 우리의 최고사령관 Support our Supreme Commander by force of arms 1998
사상의 강자, 신념의 강자가 되자! Strive to become like Jong Song-ok, an athlete of great conviction and faith whose sole inspiration was the General! 2000
경애하는 어버이 김일성동지는 인민의 심장속에 영원할것이다. Our beloved father, Comrade Kim Il Sung, will live forever in the hearts of the people! 2007
수령님의 위업을 받들어 강성대국을 건설하자! Let us build a strong and prosperous nation by upholding the great achievements of the leader! 2008
위대한 장군님만 계시면 우리는 이긴다! With the General, we will win! 2008
위대한 수령 김일성동지와 위대한 령도자 김정일동지는 영원히 우리와 함께 계신다! Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il will always be with us! 2012
위대한 김일성-김정일주의 만세! Long live the Great Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Ilism! 2012
위대한 김정은동지를 수반으로 하는 당중앙위원회를 목숨으로 사수하자! Let's defend the Party Central Committee headed by the great Comrade Kim Jong Un with our lives! 2012
위대한 김정은동지 우리는 끝까지 당신께 충실하겠습니다! Great Comrade Kim Jong Un, we will remain faithful to you to the last! 2013
우리는 당신밖에 모른다! We know nobody but you, Marshal Kim Jong Un! 2013
위대한 수령님계시여 우리는 승리하였다! Great Leader, we are victorious! 2013
김일성-김정일주의자로 튼튼히 준비하자! Let's prepare strongly as Kim Il-sung-Kim Jong-ilists! 2014
위대한 수령 김일성동지와 위대한 령도자 김정일동지께 가장 숭고한 경의와 영원무궁한 영광을 드립니다 We give the noblest respect and eternal glory to Great Leader Comrade Kim Il-sung and Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong-il 2017
장군복 Embrace of the General 2017
위대한 령도자 김정일동지께 가장 숭고한 경의와 최대의 영광을 드립니다! We give the noblest respect and greatest glory to Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong-il! 2017
김일성대원수 만만세! Long live Marshal Kim Il-sung! 2017
경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지 만세! Long live our beloved Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong-un! 2017
수령복 Embrace of the Leader 2017
수령님과 장군님은 함께 계시네 The leader and the general are together 2017
위대한 수령님 탄생 110돐과 위대한 장군님 탄생 80돐을 맞는 올해를 혁명적대경사의 해, 새로운 승리의 해로 빛내이자! Let us glorify this year which marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Great Leader and the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Great General as a year of great revolutionary, auspicious events and a year of fresh victory! 2022
경애하는 김정은동지의 사상과 평도를 일심으로 받들어 우리 국가의 전면적릉성기를 펼쳐나가자! Let us unfold the all-round prosperity of our nation by single-mindedly upholding the ideology and opinions of our beloved Comrade Kim Jong-un! 2025


  1. The phrase "anti-western" can refer to any phrase or idea that opposes the United States, South Korea, or other capitalist countries.
  2. This slogan and its corresponding image are referring to the United States' involvement in the Korean War.
  3. ^ The poster depicts a North Korean tank crushing South Korean soldiers.
  4. The opera was written by Kim Il Sung, hence why it is deemed revolutionary.
  5. The film was personally selected by Kim Jong Il.
  6. The slogan later appeared in 2024, now written as 더 많은 철강재를!
  7. This was made for the April Spring Friendship Art Festival, an international competition associated with improving relations between North Korea and other countries.
  8. The General in this case is Kim Jong Il.


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  15. Schultz, Colin (5 February 2013). "North Korea's New Video Is Only Its Latest Propaganda About Attacking the U.S." Smithsonian Magazine.
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